Moving responsibly

August 25, 2023

After about 20 years in the same abode, I’ve decided to move. During those 20 years, I’ve accumulated a lot of things I no longer use. Given how much need there is in our area, and given our already overflowing landfills, I’m determined to find good homes for as many as possible of the things I don’t intend to take with me.

One might think it would be easy to give things away (most of what I have is of limited monetary value but high utility, and I am happy to give such things away to anyone who can use them). Fortunately, I’ve started early. A few resources have been useful. For small things that I can transport myself, I’ve found that the Olive Branch Thrift Shop at the Third Reformed Church in Albany will take a wide variety of items and get them to people who really need them. For items that I’d prefer someone pick up, the Nextdoor site reaches local people who are more likely to be able to pick up items than people from other areas. It’s free to post on the site. Keep in mind, though, that many people who express interest in an item never follow through, and I strongly recommend adhering to a first come, first served policy and advising anyone who shows interest of that fact. Although it will have taken about a month, I have given away almost all the furniture I do not want to move with me, and I expect it all to be gone before I move.

For towels and sheets, in addition to the thrift shop, Mowhawk Hudson Humane Society in Menands will gratefully accept whatever you have, except for fitted sheets containing elastic, which can harm the animals.

Bins for used clothing and shoes are located throughout our area, usually in the parking lots of churches, and are available 24 hours each day for donations.

A little effort and time will provide a lot of satisfaction. Although it’s not as easy as calling (and paying for) a junk removal service, you’ll know you’ve helped some good people and organizations and helped keep what otherwise likely would become solid waste out of our overflowing landfills.

If you know of any place that will accept donations of household goods, in particular any that will pick up unwanted furniture in used but serviceable condition, please leave a comment. Thanks.